Is e seòrsa ùr de stuth plastaigeach a th’ ann am plastaig truaillidh. At the time when environmental protection is becoming more and more important, degradable plastic is more ECO and can be the replacement for PE/PP in some ways. There are many types of degradable plastic, the most widely used two is PLA and PBAT, PLA's appearance is usually yellowish granules, the raw material is from plants like corn,sugarcane etc. PBAT's appearance is usually white granules,the raw material is from oil . Tha seasmhachd teirmeach math aig PLA, deagh sheasamh an aghaidh fuasglaidh, agus faodar a phròiseasadh ann an iomadh dòigh, leithid eas-tharraing, snìomh, sìneadh, in-stealladh, cumadh sèididh. Faodar PLA a chleachdadh airson: connlach, bogsaichean bìdh, aodach neo-fhighte, aodach gnìomhachais agus sìobhalta. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil sùbailteachd agus leudachadh math aig PBAT aig àm fois, ach cuideachd ...